
Auf großer Fahrt

I was allowed to tinker and design this caravan 
as a wedding present for a same-sex male marriage.
The two want to go on a tour with their caravan 
and need some inventory for it
Als Hochzeitsgeschenk für ein gleichgeschlechtlichen männliches Paar
durfte ich diesen Wohnwagen basteln und gestalten.
Die Beiden wollen eine Tour mit ihrem Wohnwagen machen 
und brauchen noch einiges Inventar dafür

I think it´s a good stuff to be part in the
the lovely sentiment meens:
Love is an I
that looks for a YOU
to become a WE


7 Kommentare:

  1. What a fabulous creation! I am sure this will be absolutely treasured. I love the suitcases stamped around the outside and it’s all fixed together so nicely. Thanks for playing along with The Male Room. X

    1. I´m sorry, the suitcases aren´t stamped ist a DP from SU ;o)

  2. What a fabulous paper project! It's adorable!
    Thanks for sharing this with us at The Male Room!
    Majda DT

  3. What an amazing project, love all the details on the caravan and the beautiful sentiment. I'm sure the gentlemen were thrilled with it. Thank you so much for joining us in our Not A Card challenge at The Male Room Good Luck and I hope you will join us in our next challenge.
    Faith DT

  4. An amazing project, beautifully done. I'm sure they were pleased with it. Thank you so much for joining us in our Not A Card challenge at The Male Room Good Luck and I hope you will join us in our next challenge.
    Faith DT

  5. Wow! You did a great interpretation of the Not a card challenge! It's a very precious wedding gift! Thank you for sharing your creative talents with us at The Male Room.

    Maja, DT


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